Parent Association Committee Members

Role Of The Parents Association Committee (PAC)

The aims and objectives of the PAC are to ensure the smooth running of the school, to assist the teaching staff, organise and help with school events, festivals and fund-raising.  The PAC liaises with the Greek Parents Association (GPA) staff and represents the school on the GPA Council.  All members of the PAC have been Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checked.  Any new members wishing to join the PAC a DBS form will need to be completed and is provided and submitted by the GPA on your behalf.

Each year there is an Annual General Meeting around October - November time and all Parents have the opportunity to stand for election and vote for new members of the board. The new PAC is elected and parents have an opportunity to discuss concerns and make proposals regarding the school.  The school PAC meets monthly to discuss forthcoming school events and to implement policy in accordance with GPA Council decisions.  The chair will call additional meetings as of when required.

The PAC has a good working relationship with the Head Teacher, staff, parents/guardians, pupils, the GPA and with the local community.  The school prides its self on its dedicated PAC members below and we welcome all new parents/guardians who are interested in being part of the PAC to join the team. Many members are still loyal to the school even after their children have left.

If you would like to volunteer your help, please speak to any member of the PAC and they will be happy to speak with you.

All help is greatly appreciated.